Safety measures relating to carriage and transfer of liquid cargoes
The continuous growth in the volume of liquid cargoes, transported by sea, leads to increase of tankers’ size and to implementation of appropriate shore facilities, which have to meet the relevant environmental requirements. In order to ensure safety during loading and discharging operations in shore terminals, it is necessary to make an assessment on the level of potential risk in port and onboard the vessel and to take all necessary steps to reduce the possibility for environmental impacts and occurrence of an accident especially when performing transfer operations to/from ships. The article presents some constructive decisions for building of shore tanks and their application for storage and transfer of petroleum products. The measures for the safe performing of the cargo operations are systematized after discussing of specifics by performing of all processes connected with loading or discharge. The precautions are defined in three critical points of action - operation on vessel systems, transportation of cargo using shore facilities and storage in tanks.
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