Personal-organisational value congruence in relation to organizational citizenship behaviour and work engagement among the academic staff in South-West Nigerian Universities

Keywords: Personal Values, Organizational Fit, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Work Engagement, Academic Staff


Work engagement is a crucial determinant of university academic staff performance and ultimately of the quality of the provided tertiary education. It is therefore imperative to explore the principal factors it is contingent upon. Equally important is the congruence or the best fit between the personal values and organizational commitment along with the effect of the organizational citizenship behaviour on the work engagement level of the academic staff in South-West Nigerian Universities, which, in turn, provide the appropriate basis for a proper set of recommendations to be developed and put forward to the respective stakeholders. A sample of 382 staff was chosen from the broad range of public universities in South-West Nigeria through the stratified random sampling technique. Use was made of the following data collection tools: the Demographic Data Inventory (DDI), Work Engagement Scale (WES), Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Checklist (OCBC), Personal Values Scale (PVS), and Value Congruence Scale (VCS). Four hypotheses were formulated and tested by means of simple linear regression analysis and Pearson correlation with a significance level of .05. The results obtained reveal not only the significant contribution of organizational citizenship behavior to work engagement (β = .215, t = 12.603, p < .05) but also the decisive role of personal-organisational value congruence in the contribution of organizational citizenship behaviour to work engagement among the academic staff in South-West Nigerian universities.


Author Biographies

Ajibola Olusoga Ogunyemi, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye
Segun Oyetunde Babalola


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How to Cite
Ogunyemi, A., & Babalola, S. (2019, December 31). Personal-organisational value congruence in relation to organizational citizenship behaviour and work engagement among the academic staff in South-West Nigerian Universities. ANNUAL JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VARNA, BULGARIA, 3(2), 1-9.
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