Research on the effect of different types of fertilization on the maize (Zea mays L.)
Maize is the cereal crop with the greatest productive potential and production in the world. A field research experiment was conducted in the field settings of the Department of "Plant Production" at the Technical University of Varna, to evaluate the effect of foliar fertilizers on the productivity and quality of Dekalb maize hybrids. Four fertilizer variants were examined and the following biometric parameters were assessed: grain yield, weight per 1000 grains, length of cob, number of rows in cob, number of grains in cob, number of grains per row, weight of grain in cob and weight of the cob. A biochemical analysis of the maize grain was performed and the content of protein, starch and fat was determined. It was established that the combined pairing of soil and foliar fertilization leads to increased productivity and enhanced biometric parameters under study, with the highest values being obtained in the variant ammonium nitrate (rate of 12 kg/dа) + 250 ml/dа NPK 2.5 SO3 with composition 3.0 N: 1.5 P: 10 K: 2.5 SO3 + 250 ml/da SO3 10% Zn, 3% N (sulfides with zinc and nitrogen). It was also ascertained, through the use of the same combination, that the maize hybrids under examination contain the highest amount of protein. Provided, from the findings of the experiment, is a conclusive evidence, that the combination of sowing soil fertilization with ammonium nitrate (rate of 12 kg/da) and two foliar fertilizers (rate of 250 ml/da) – NPK 2.5 SO3 + SO3, 10% Zn, 3% N improved the productivity and quality of the investigated Dekalb maize hybrids.
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