Assessment of the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises in the modern economic environment
Presented in the present paper are the results of a scientific study that aims to develop and test a different model for analyzing and evaluating the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises in the modern economic environment. Examined closely are the main aspects of the enterprise competitiveness in full consideration of their internal abilities to achieve high results over a long period of time,. The analysis shows that there are new possibilities for researching the competitiveness of the manufacturing enterprises, in search of simpler and universally applicable models and methods for the analysis and evaluation of competitiveness, and in particular that of the industrial enterprises. A new model is proposed for the analysis of the enterprise competitiveness by using familiar techniques, but with the application of a new approach to the grouping of the aspects of competitiveness in three main directions. It is also worth noting that the model. hereto described. is applicable to enterprises of different scale and subject of manufacturing.
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