Combination of factors influencing the antibacterial activity of oregan extracts as future additives for compost decontamination
Raw materials of plant origin can serve as an inexhaustible source of biologically active sub-stances, which in turn are used in various fields of medicine, especially in treatment of diseases that require an integrated approach. One of the contemporary trends is the search for herbal medicines that have a certain antimicrobial activity. The objects of our study were extracts and oils obtained from different plant fractions of oregano (roots, leaves, stems, whole plant) and using different solvents (water, ethanol, vinegar, wine, olive oil), grown in a vegetation cage and under greenhouse conditions. It was also determined that the antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli to the same plant fractions. The studied oregano extracts can be used for compost decontamination and other substrates in which Escherichia coli is found. For defining dependencies and trends among the experimental data were used mathematical statistics tools.
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