Steel X65 acc. API 5L behaviour, under the influence of CO2 and H2
The paper focuses exclusively on the study of the gas pipeline steel X65 (acc. API 5L) behavior when subjected to the influence of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2 (hydrogen). Research and development of this type of document is necessary due to the needs of minimizing the CO2 in the atmosphere produced by cement manufacturing during the process of decarbonization of limestone and clay in the cement kiln. With the expensive carbon emissions costing about 63 EUR/ton for the first quarter of 2024, it is reasonable CO2 to be utilized. Additionally, coal-fired power plants must be transformed due to the high price of their electricity. Along with the cost for mining coal, the EU adds additional costs for emissions. Тhe market cannot afford to provide unprofitable energy to customers. The power sector somehow must take necessary action to comply with the latest government and environmental requirements.
One possible approach to address the transformation needs is to switch to green H2 fuel or a mixture with H2, or implement Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) processes. Both gases have their specific problems that need to be overcome. The behavior of the already laid pipelines made by low carbon steel material exposed to these gases has not been fully assessed. Future experiments and tests will determine how these gases will affect the life cycle or design life of pipeline transportation systems.
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