Mathematical model of the heat interaction between the metal matrix and the reinforcement phase during the production of Metal Matrix Composites

  • Daniela Todorova Spasova Technical university of Varna
  • Krastin Krasimirov Yordanov Technical University of Varna
Keywords: mathematical model, MATLAB FEA, finite elements, casting process simulation, MMCs


This present paper is relevant to the establishment on mathematical model of the heat interaction between the metal matrix (liquid phase- Cu) and a reinforcement (solid- Fe) phase, during the production of the Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) by the method of capillary molding. In this case is substituted heat object with a mathematical model drawn up and grounded to investigation of the original behavior and properties, clarifies temperature fields in bodies.

The established simulation clarifies temperature fields and the causal liaison between the metal matrix and the reinforcement phase in the formation of the macro and microstructure at the time of production of MMCs. Casting process simulation is an approved method for the optimization of the methods of casting technology. The basic opportunities, ideology and structure of the software "MATLAB FEA" are introduced to simulate casting technology. The possibilities of the product are illustrated by the results obtained from a computer simulation by the technical process of the production of MMCs.


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How to Cite
Spasova, D., & Yordanov, K. (2018, June 30). Mathematical model of the heat interaction between the metal matrix and the reinforcement phase during the production of Metal Matrix Composites. ANNUAL JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VARNA, BULGARIA, 2(1), 1 - 8.
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