Overall brand design of elite sports nautical resources – its role and importance in increasing and affirming university reputation

  • Hristina Vasileva Tacheva редовен докторант в ТВ-Варна
Keywords: nautical sports, university prestige, conceptual models, designing signs, regali


Each university affirms its reputation in society not only by its scientific and professional achievements but also by certain PR strategies built with the help of well-selected and graphically designed printed and media-based editions, advert messages and signs on billboards and other devices in the sphere of external advertising. The present study of the opportunities offered by nautical sports resources for advertising, popularizing and enhancing the university prestige is part of a theme elaborated in a dissertation. It is also part of building an overall PR strategy.


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How to Cite
Tacheva, H. (2018, June 30). Overall brand design of elite sports nautical resources – its role and importance in increasing and affirming university reputation. ANNUAL JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VARNA, BULGARIA, 2(1), 52 - 60. https://doi.org/10.29114/ajtuv.vol2.iss1.72
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